Facebook Acquiring Whatsapp;Model Analysis

Facebook Acquiring Whatsapp
Facebook Acquiring Whatsapp

There are a number of expectations we have for your work on Facebook Acquiring Whatsapp, which are the following:

It is expected that you attempt to provide a justification for the acquisition of Whatsapp by Facebook within your academic report.

It is expected that you attempt to provide a justification by analysis of the Business models of the different organization with the aid of business model canvases.

It is expected that you provide a business model canvas for Facebook and Whatsapp prior to the acquisition. You then are expected to provide a combined business

Model canvas for the merged Facebook & Whatsapp.

  1. 70% of the marks for this assessment is for your academic discussion about why Facebook acquired Whatsapp.
  • Up to 20% for providing a brief description of Facebook & Whatsapp organisations;
  • Up to 30% for providing an academic justification for the Facebook’s acquisition of Whatsapp with a link to its business model;
  • Up to 20% for an academic analysis of their business models with a link to your Business model canvases.
  1. 30% of the marks for this assessment is for the development of Business Model Canvases, which you need to discuss the justification of the acquisition and the academic analysis of the business models.
  • Up to 10% for the Business Model Canvas for Facebook (pre-acquisition);
  • Up to 10% for the Business Model Canvas for Whatsapp (pre- acquisition);
  • Up to 10% for the Business Model Canvas for a joint Facebook & Whatsapp organization following the merger.

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