Software Development Projects Cost Estimation

Software Development Projects Cost Estimation
Software Development Projects Cost Estimation

Computer Science Discussion
“Software Development Projects Cost Estimation”

Predict the challenges of cost estimation for software development projects where requirements are usually not clear in early stages of the project.

Argue whether or not the fluidity of requirements introduced by agile methodologies contributes to such challenges using three (3) pieces of evidence as support for your argument.

Project estimation is one of the most important steps in project management. Whether a web development project is big or small, a good project estimation can make things easier during the project execution cycle. Many times a project’s success or failure depends on the proper estimation process. A good project estimation will lead to a successful project while a wrong estimation may end up in project failure. We may have to estimate project in response to the RFP (request for proposal) or during the initiation phase of the software development project.

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