Self-Analysis Portfolio Instructions

Self-Analysis Portfolio Instructions
What is the Self-Analysis Portfolio?
The Self-Analysis Portfolio is comprised of two main sections: (1) A collection of completed self-assessment tools; (2) A written analysis report. If you need to refresh your memory about the self-assessment tools we have used throughout the semester, you can visit Blackboard –> Content –> Self-Assessment Tools.
An important step in your development as a skilled interpersonal communicator is being able to accurately identify, describe, and explain your strengths and skills. The analysis report is your opportunity to do this. Your statements about your strengths and skills will be grounded in data, or evidence, from a variety of sources. For this portfolio, your data are the results of your completed self-assessment tools.
How should I go about writing the analysis report?
Now that you have completed a variety of self-assessment tools, take a few minutes to go over them. Reflect on each one and come up with a few sentences for each that capture what that exercise means for you as a communicator. What did you learn from it? What strengths did it reveal? What areas for growth or development does it suggest?
Next, take a few minutes to go over the sentences you wrote for each self-assessment tool. Try grouping or categorizing these sentences. Do you see any relationships emerging that tell you something about your strengths, skills, or areas for growth or development? Do you see any contradictory pieces of data?
At this point, you will practice inductive reasoning. Inductive means working from the data to develop a theory, or reaching conclusions on the basis of what is observed. In this case, you will use the results of your completed self-assessment tools to reach conclusions about your strengths and skills. By carefully examining, labeling, and sorting all of your results, you can begin to create statements about your strengths and skills.
How should I organize the content of my analysis report?
Include an APA style title page. If you need a reminder about what this looks like, visit Purdue’s online writing lab (OWL). Here is the URL:
Begin with a 3-5 sentence introductory paragraph. The introductory paragraph should provide an overview of the main points of your report.
Next, you will have a series of three paragraphs, with each paragraph identifying and explaining one of your communication strengths or skills. Begin each of these three paragraphs with a bold font sentence that clearly identifies the strength or skill you identify and explain in that paragraph.
For each of these three strengths and/or skills paragraphs, include 3-5 pieces of evidence. These pieces of evidence should come from the results of your self-assessment tools. You need to cite which self-assessment tool you are pulling evidence from, and you should use a variety of sources of evidence for each strength or skill. In other words, you should avoid pulling 3-5 pieces of evidence from a single self-assessment tool to support one strength or skill statement.
Finally, write a concluding paragraph with 2-3italicized communication goals that you have for yourself for the future. Why did you choose these goals (answer using pieces of evidence or counter evidence from the results of your self-assessment tools)? Why does meeting this goal matter to you? In other words, what difference could it or will it make in your life?
What does a sample outline for the report look like?
Here it is:
I. Introduction paragraph
II. Strength/skill paragraph 1
A. Bolded topic sentence that clearly identifies the strength or skill
B. 3-5 pieces of evidence from a variety of sources (i.e., self-assessment tool results)
III. Strength/skill paragraph 2
A. Bolded topic sentence that clearly identifies the strength or skill
B. 3-5 pieces of evidence from a variety of sources (i.e., self-assessment tool results)
IV. Strength/skill paragraph 3
A. Bolded topic sentence that clearly identifies the strength or skill
B. 3-5 pieces of evidence from a variety of sources (i.e., self-assessment tool results)
V. Concluding paragraph
A. 2-3 italicized communication goals
B. Evidence to support your choice of these goals
C. Rationale and implications for these goals

Self-Analysis Portfolio Rubric

Content (65 points):
-Does the portfolio include at least 5 completed self-analysis tools?
-Does the introductory paragraph give an overview of the main points of your report?
-Does each of the next three paragraphs begin with a bolded first sentence that previews one communication strength or skill?
-Does each strength/skill paragraph include 3-5 pieces of evidence, and are the pieces of evidence adequate, relevant, and persuasive?
-Does the report make use of all of the results of the self-analysis tools included in the portfolio?
-Does the report offer creative and interesting insights into the strengths/skills and their relevance to the writer’s personal and/or professional life?
-Did the report go beyond the basics of the assignment?
-Does the concluding paragraph identify 2-3 interpersonal communication goals and adequately explain the importance of these goals?

Clarity (20 points): ______
-Is the report easy to follow (e.g., transitions, word choice, etc.)?
-Does the report use specific, rather than vague or general, language?
-Is it written in a way that provides useful information to the writer and the reader?

Conciseness (10 points): ______
-Does the report meet the structural requirements?
-Does the report avoid unnecessary words without losing specificity?

Professionalism (20 points): ______
-Were spelling, grammar, and references correct and professional?
-Was the overall presentation of the portfolio neat and professional looking?
-If turned in electronically, was the PDF a single file?

Total (115 points): ______

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