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                                               Review an article on Ohio Lottery   

                                            Formulating of the research question

The research questions concerning the information of the participants of Ohio lottery have been formulated with the aims of inspiring the non participants and also informing the director of this project concerning its progress (Schindler, 2008). The question on whether to encourage this game is qualitative and that of validating the need to enhance player segmentation and frequency is quantitative. These questions are directly correlated with the study objective though they are vaguely outlined in the paper creating difficulty in tracing them. This could be because of using two research methods.

           Defining the management, research, investigative and measurement question

         The management is seen to be very concerned of the progress of this project seeking to know to understand better the players and also encourage non players of this lottery to be part of it. This may help for the management to improve strategies of participation increasing help for beneficiaries but may also cause infringing in customers’ personal reasons of participating since it relied on psychographic and behavioral reasons why the buyers purchase the tickets for the game (Schindler, 2008). The use of the metaphor elicitation technique (MET) for investigation was an effective way for finding out the precise motivations for participation in this game but this could have been a wrong approach of the research since it dealt with only one aspect that of motivation while environmental and social influences could cause the buying of tickets. In phase 1, concentration on the frequency of playing, reasons, and motives and how winning is defined could result to a bias sample with many failing to give true information concerning their objectives for the game. The frequency could not necessary display motivation for participation but a lack of contingent leisure since it dealt with subjects between 18 and 65 years, further this study could be season biased (Schindler, 2008). The research is qualitative since it deals with factors of motivation off playing the Ohio lottery and quantitative since it deals wit the number of times this game was played among the subjects. These helped to ensure data collected was analyzable and deductions could be made from it. The research is also very analytical since it has incorporated tabular results for the data obtained though it could have been much clearer if graphical representation was integrated making the deductions more realistic.

                                                  Valuing research information

This organization director attributes much value to research information since he uses it to enlighten the organization on understanding the trends of their clients (Schindler, 2008), their motives for the game and also the frequency of their participation in the lottery. This may be of value in organization rating and planning but may give the company unrealistic expectations making the company to over plan leading to its fall down thus the implications of this research must be viewed as practical and realistic.

                                                              Research design

The research design is divided in two phases first is the qualitative assay using Metaphor elicitation technique (Schindler, 2008) that helps to shed light of the motivations for playing the game, the other is the qualitative design that selects samples based on their age, gender and race and is via randomization and takes data in the survey based on their the questions answered by subjects. These two methods complement each other making the process holistic though they do not fully ascertain the deductions made to be true and further since one can effectively complement the other in order to cut the cost of this project and the time of analysis.

                                                               Piloting testing

Pilot testing was not done for this case study primarily because it involved a small group of people hence not appropriate, though this was the case since quantitative research was done it should have been used to help prevent money and time wastage and also predict and enhance the feasibility of the main project. This would have further increased the projects cost though worth it (Schindler, 2008).

                                                    Research process problems

In the course of the study some questions would seem silly and insensitive causing subjects to give untrue and biased information affecting the overall outcome of results. Their was short time allotted for the answering of the many questions in the qualitative study and could thus result to lack of thoughtfulness while answering the questions online. No hypothesis had been formulated concerning this study thus the subjects would attribute less significance to the study thus not taking it gravely. Taking a population of about 20 people to represent a whole population’s thoughts though cost effective is quite impractical and deductions made may not reflect the entire population’s desired inferences (Schindler, 2008). No ethical considerations have been mentioned being taken in this study.



Schindler, P. (2008). Ohio lottery: Innovatory research design drives winning. Business Research Methods, Ohio, USA

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