‘Dear friend after hearing your situation for Case Study 3 ’The Threatening Trustee’ ,I admit that you have to resettle the conflict with your student’s parent. This brochure outlines the necessary guidelines for the conflict resolution. .  Conflicts are diversified such as interpersonal, church splits, divorce, or personal. A peacemaker should be Godly graced, potraying aspects of love, forgiveness and mercies to any conflict arising. As a peacemaker you can lessen anger, enhance understanding and promote reconciliation as you usher others towards repentance[1].

Conflicts deprive our productive time, internal energy, resources and opportunities of our daily endeavors and adversely destroy our Christianity. Bitterness in believers can yield disagreement and this can be contradicting to the spread of reconciliation in Christ’s love. Peace making can therefore be viewed to turn conflicts into an entry of strength in interrelations and preserving one’s treasured resources making one’s life a testimony of Christ’s power and love.

Conflict resolution involves a core component process that constructs social connections meant to serve parties involved to form a mutual acceptable relationship. External mediators and facilitators can help such parties come together from their past to a renewed present and future[2].



Principles of peacemaking

The concept of conflict resolution is effectively based on God’s guidance which is applicable in any category. The basic principles that any peace maker can hold on are practical, comprehensive and easily implemented.

It counts a lot in glorification of God as highlighted in 1 Corinthians10:31. The approach of peacemaking from the bible perspective is highly motivated by a strong will to bring honor to God by showing practical reconciliation and Christ’s love and power.  By imitating Christ and following his teachings, we can be fled from selfish decisions that worsen conflict.

It is considerable to spot a log from one’s eye before pointing it to the neighborhood. The act of attacking other people for done mistakes can easily invite compromises. From God’s teachings in Mathew 7:5, it is recommended to focus on our own contributions to any conflicts before overturning it to others. It is incorrect to over judge others minor crimes and fail to admit to our own faults and this enhances their unkind response.

The aspect of restoration is also needed. We can gently restore our opponents’ to peace by gradually showing them their fault. God’s teachings   in Galatians 6:1 directs us to involve close friends, church officials or any helper to encourage them repent.

Another vital component of peace making is reconciliation. This involves being committed in restoring bruised relationships and discussing agreements that are justifiable. Forgiving others as Christ did, seeking for solutions to satisfy colleagues’ interests   and ours, the gap of the conflict is cleared off and this invites genuine peace.


Barnes, Catherine: Democratizing Peacemaking Processes: Strategies and Dilemmas for Public Participation.Accord 13. (2002).

Sande, Kenneth. The Peacemaker :A Biblical Guide to Resolving Personal Conflict .Third edition, Bakers Books, United states of America,2005.


1 Kenneth Sande. The Peacemaker :A Biblical Guide to Resolving Personal Conflict .Third edition, Bakers Books, United states of America,2005.


[2] Barnes, Catherine (2002). “Democratizing Peacemaking Processes: Strategies and Dilemmas for

Public Participation.Accord 13.


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