Non-alcoholic Beer Product Sales

Non-alcoholic Beer Product Sales
Non-alcoholic Beer Product Sales

What extent does religion, culture and health-conscious consumers affect non-alcoholic beer product sales in the UK?

Sales of branded products outstripped private-labels in supermarkets for the first time since 2015 this summer, while non-alcoholic beer went from strength to strength, according to the latest figures from Kantar Worldpanel.

1. Health-effect
2. Religion culture

Kantar World panel shows that ;

Non-alcoholic beer sales have grown by 40 per cent in 2013.

The super rise has been due to;

  • An increasing product range
  • Improving taste
  • Changing target market: increasing health–conscious population (inclined to give up alcohol)
  • Increasing Muslims lived in the UK.

And there are examples of my literature review!

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