Kolb/ Gowin model

Kolb/ Gowin model


            Kolb/ Gowin model is a theory that deals with the aspects of the business world and has four main features which include; the concrete experience that generates reflective observation leading to formulation of abstract, concepts that helping in formulating of a clear picture of a situation then makes the learner seek to know more by active experimentation and future prediction of the issue in question (Simon, 2009).


In the concrete experience the journal article in question talks about the image of a corporation, its marketing and its ability to influence the purchasing power of customers. This is because these factors influence customer relationships and customer satisfaction based on sales made. This study deals with adult customers in Taiwan being offered services by a travel agency. This was done on 473 customers in 2008 (Yi Lin and Yuh Lu, 2010). On considering the reflective observation the main reason behind this article is to show how much the company image and accountability can influence the sales of a company by influencing how much is purchased and the relations of a company and potential customers. The main issues tackled are how factors of relations between customers and employees influence the image of a company, its buyers’ trust, buying and also its marketing level. Methodologies which these aspects of business accountability can be improved with and what protocols were used and the results obtained based on the hypothesis formulated are also indicated (Simon, 2009).

On the conceptualizing the abstract, takes in reflection the theories that dissimilar company images correspond to different levels of customer trust and also the findings from previous research that good relations are directly proportional to client trust. Formulation of hypothesis that these three aspects of; marketing, consumer trust and business relations are related using both the qualitative and quantitative model evaluation has been done. They are four hypotheses in this article; the word of mouth strengthens purchasing, and on the contrary negative talks deteriorate purchasing among others (Yi Lin and Yuh Lu, 2010). Elites categorize these aspects as the most crucial in the fields of human resource and also in procurement primarily because they overcome the problems of  impulse buying, purchasing substandard goods for the buyer, the quality marketing strategies and how to maximize profits from buyers and increase a customer oriented business focus aimed at growing. All these aspects fall under the public relations of a company to maximize profits while ensuring quality is maintained at high standards. Assumptions of no external factors forces and biasness affecting this study in the 473 persons have been made so that concrete conclusions have been deducted from the study. The use of questionnaires and regression analysis among others in collection of data has also been applied in this journal article and analysis has been done using SPSS tool version 12.0 (Yi Lin and Yuh Lu, 2010).

Considering the issue of active experimentation the limitations of this study are its considerations only on the consumption within the agency not outside, its deductions that are only made based on travel agencies while other companies could result to different opinions (Simon, 2009). The use of questionnaires encouraged more youngsters who necessarily are not majority consumers to be used in this study thus biasness. Recommendations on much attention to be paid on marketing of such travel agencies based on their image, the application of a working marketing relationship and also the attributing of much value to word communications during marketing are emphasized in this study. The results are obtained in the form of tables and was then analyzed using SPSS software so that they validate the hypotheses in question (Yi Lin and Yuh Lu, 2010). Data was collected from males and females of different age, marital status, and educational background and worked in different departments. These help to estimate the progress of any organization and how it can change for the betterment of itself and maximize its profits.

Conclusion and Recommendations

The use of the Kolb/Gown model is essential to analyze the research of a study since it takes in consideration aspects of purposed research and also takes in consideration the outcome of the research and the limitations that could make the research not successful. It also proposes use of the best data analysis technique to make good deductions thus it should be adapted in critical analysis of research not only concerning business but other fields.


Simon, J. (2009). Research Methods Kolb/Gowin Model: Key to how each of the questions relate to a stage / component of the model, University of Hull.

Yi Lin, L. and Yuh Lu, C. (2010). The influence of corporate image, relationship marketing and trust on purchase intention: the moderating effects of word of mouth. Emerald Publishing group Limited, volume 65 (3): pp. 16-35

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