1.0 Developing a knowledge management strategy

An effective knowledge management strategy considers the organizations principal issues and needs and a structure for dealing with them. This approach is called a needs analysis. It aims at ensuring firm grounding of all organizational initiatives and activities (Robertson, 2004).The real issues and needs in any given institution include call centres, front-line staff, business managers, aging workforce, supporting innovation and organizational environment. A baseless ‘solutions mode’ is not appropriate (Robertson, 2004).

Knowledge management strategy follows a holistic model which may take either a top-down or bottom-up approach. The bottom-up approach up approach in relation to needs analysis with staff encompasses; identification of principal organizational staff, conducting holistic needs analysis, supplementing the research with organizational strategy documents and senior management,, developing recommendations and implementing a series of tactical and strategic initiatives. These initiatives are holistic, solution-independent, simple, efficient and resourceful. Additionally, the strategy provides a framework for identifying chief staff sects, survey groups and needs analysis techniques, and facilitation of discussions, staff interviews, task analysis, strategic input and common findings (Robertson, 2004). Robertson J. (August 2, 2004)“Developing a knowledge management strategy”.Step Two Designs Pty Ltd.

1.1 Leadership in knowledge management

Knowledge management is a resource and a vital tool for leadership development as evident through informal and formal organizational processes. The role of leadership in knowledge management is to ensure democratization by probing, reflecting, communicating, cataloging and cultivating employee know-how and experiences. The integration of knowledge management is shown at all levels of organizational operations and not centralized at the top. Knowledge management should promote sharing of knowledge through interdepartmental and interpersonal collaboration, and relationship management with clients, constituencies and customers. Knowledge sharing is enhanced through the diversified information and communication technologies (Root, 2007).

Leadership in this perspective involves the creation of an environment for sustainable and broad participation. The leader should establish, integrate and model knowledge management principles such as complexity, uncertainty, openness, restoration, reframing, reflection and purposeful relationships with the staff. The process of leadership development involves self-assessment, organizational assessment, identification of niches, documentation of the preferred activities and providing accessibility of the documents to all employees through shared database software (Root, 2007). Root R. (2007) “Knowledge management and leadership development”. Centerpoint for Leaders Inc: Washington.

1.2 Knowledge management analysis and planning

Knowledge management planning encompasses provision of leadership in organizational processes and activities. Leaders must provide a link between the knowledge management strategy and the corporate strategy. This is achieved through conducting interviews, identifying the vision, strategy and objectives, assessment of critical success factors and linking the strategy to key people, processes and improvement needs. Performance of the knowledge analysis then follows. Knowledge analysis involves the process of establishing the current and desirable orientation of knowledge, identifying critical assets of knowledge and analyzing the knowledge management infrastructure. Thirdly, a thorough assessment of the change readiness and stakeholder analysis is conducted. The fourth step involves development of the knowledge management case which encompasses the need for knowledge management, description of the project and a detailed solution. Lastly, top management approval is sought through the improvement of executive group awareness, presenting the proposal and forming the knowledge management team. All these knowledge management processes are intended to improve the performance of the organization (Wirth, 2009). Wirth R. (2010) “Steps of the Strategic Planning Process”. enTarga.

1.4 Personal knowledge management

Personal knowledge covers knowledge gained from both informal and formal instruction. Tacit and explicit knowledge are instrumental to a person’s profession, business and general life (Martin, n.d). Knowledge management experts always use available information to access appropriate individuals for certain jobs. Knowledge associates with context and place. Every individual has a distinctive way of interpreting information (Martin, n.d). Successful personal knowledge management strategies should aim at providing favorable conditions for sharing of personal knowledge. Technological knowledge management strategies are bound to fail in cases which cover marginalized individual needs. Personal knowledge can be obtained through spending time with productive and innovative individuals; going to fascinating conferences, learning about a new location, traveling, voracious reading, utilization of technology and the internet. The knowledge acquired can be used in someone’s professional and personal life. Realizing that every individual has his/her own unique information, know-how and experience is essential because it drives people to unleash their potential (Martin, n.d). Martin J. (n.d)“Personal Knowledge Management”. Retrieved July 22, 2011, from

1.5 Value of Community in Knowledge Sharing

Effective communication and collaboration across the entire organizational structure is essential in promoting knowledge management culture. The intranet is instrumental in emphasizing integral company values, unifying a corporate culture and developing a sense of community within the organization. The organic growth of intranets is a frustrating fact. The intranet is meant to give employees the value and reason of frequently visiting the site (Hawley, 2009).

Collaboration can be achieved by connecting employees to relevant groups and individuals. Communities of practice in large matrix-based institutions usually experience problems such as underdeveloped communication routes, tools and processes to support them. The intranet overlooks the all-around necessities of employees. Less-than deal circumstances commonly result due to the soiling of data, the existing culture of formal communication and lack of governance and tools. This situation can be rectified through the establishment and enhancement of bottom-up communication and connecting all relevant data to an effective database software (Hawley, 2009). Hawley M. (2009) “Communities of Practice: Optimizing Internal Knowledge Sharing”. Retrieved July 22, 2011, from


1.6 References

Hawley M. (2009) “Communities of Practice: Optimizing Internal Knowledge Sharing” Retrieved July 22, 2011, from

Martin J. (n.d). “Personal Knowledge Management” Retrieved July 22, 2011, from

Robertson J. (August 2, 2004) “Developing a knowledge management strategy”Step Two Designs Pty Ltd.

Root R. (2007) “Knowledge management and leadership development”. Centerpoint for Leaders Inc: Washington.

Wirth R. (2010) “Steps of the Strategic Planning Process”. enTarga. Retrieved July 22, 2011, from


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