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Acting to benefit other people is the moral ethic advanced by the principle of beneficence. In view of this principle, everyone in the medical fraternity has an obligation to show acts of mercy and an endeavor to do much more than they should. This is a virtue that is the guiding force to medical practitioners towards acting in goodwill with love and generosity. They are obliged to extend to others this virtue of goodwill.

All medical practitioners are bound by the principle of justice while in their duty of saving lives. They need to ensure that the resources that are available are distributed in a manner that is fair to all regardless of their status in society. Distribution of resources that is discriminatory smacks of unethical medical practices and any medical practitioner should endeavor to stay above this unprofessional act.

Autonomy is an important medical ethic and should be practiced in the field of medicine. Medical practitioners have a duty to fulfill in practicing the principle of autonomy. They have the moral obligation to respect the liberty of others. They should also respect the people’s choice. In any given society people need to be left to rule themselves and make their own decisions.

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